Tow #12 Kellogg's All-bran Cereal: "Snow White"

During 2008, to advertise one of its slogans "more fruit than before" for their All-bran cereal, Kellogg's brought in none other than the iconic Snow White in one of their advertisements. In it, Snow White is in a setting familiar to most of its audience, a similar wooden cottage to that portrayed in childrens' picture books. Above on a fancy ribbon made of a wooden shaving is the phrase "more fruit than before". Right off the bat, adults should immediately be transported to their childhood memories and children should make the connection to their storybooks. However, what jumps out even before the background is Snow White standing transfixed at the sight, in an overflowing pile of shiny, red apples filling the entire cottage. The advertisement's use of apples references the symbolic image of Snow White and the apple that all audiences are familiar with. In the ad, the pile of apples is so immense that three of the dwarves are even buried underneath them. All the audience can see is their pointed hats sticking out through the heap. The overflowing abundance of the fruit helps illustrate "the extra fruitiness" of the new cereal. The whole image has a sort of fantastical, dreamy feel to it. With the use of humor and symbolism with an iconic character, Kellogg's effectively appeals to pathos in the audience and triggers childhood memories. In addition, in the bottom corner of the ad is a picture of fresh fruit and cereal, boxed and in a bowl. Contrasting from the fantasy- like image above, the photograph brings the audience back to reality as if to say "look, the fruit in our cereal actually is as fresh as it appears!" Through the symbolism of Snow White and the apple, and the contrast of the top and bottom images, Kellogg's ad will raise a chuckle from audiences both young and old.
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